From Major to Minor : Some Keys for Anglers. By
Major Kenneth Dawson. Annotated by The Wag. (Country Life. 12s. 6d.)—An imaginary schoolboy translated from East Anglia to Devon finds himself beside a river and consults an imaginary uncle as to how to fish. The uncle (on service abroad) writes directions as to the choice of tackle (sensible and modest) and, then as to the way to go about capturing a trout. The nephew reports progress, the uncle criticizes or applauds and encourages ; and so we pass from the first trout to the first peel (or sea trout) and so the first salmon—with full history of a young angler's adventures and emotions and full discussion of what to do and how to do it. The result is one of the best fisher's manuals, and it is further recom- mended by a profusion of comic drawings by the Wag, illus- trating fish and fishermen in all known moods and tenses.