29 DECEMBER 1928, Page 30


At last week's meeting of the Sulphide Corporation, the chairman, Lord Kintore, had several very interesting points to bring before shareholders. So far as the past year was concerned, the financial results were highly- satisfactory, profits having shown a material increase, while the company was able to declare a dividend of 10 per cent. on both classes of shares instead of 74 per cent. on the Preference shares only. At the same time, Lord Kintore was careful to explain that the increased profits were largely the result of enlarged production from particular directions, and that, having regard to high working charges, and other considerations, fluctuations in the price of lead had become a matter vitally affecting future profits. In that connexion, the chairman referred to the recent Conference in London at which about 80 per cent. of the world's production of pig lead was repre- sented, and he stated that a further conference would be meeting again next March. There can be no question as to the supreme importance of obtaining some kind of regula-

tion of the output of pig lead stabilizing the price.