sm,—It is reassuring to find that Major Glover does -not desire the abolition of Lambeth Degrees. In fact, he admits that the reforms which he desiderates lie entirely within the competence of the Archbishop of Can- terbury, whose prerogative it is to confer these degrees. With regard to the Degrees in Divinity, it is true that the Archbishop confers Doctorates .on diocesan bishops-designate with a view to covering their academic nakedness, and on such Deans as have to be Doctors of Divinity before they are eligible for installation, but in so doing His Grace is only following within narrower limits the examples set by our oldest Universities until recent years. Where a Lambeth Degree in Divinity is -earned, a high standard woulli seem to be insisted on. A friend of mine, who had written a remarkably able book on the New Testament, was recommended to the then Arch- bishop for the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity some years ago. His Grace was fully qualified to adjudicate upon the standard of attainment reached by the scholar concerned, but he submitted the work to an expert adviser, who pronounced the writer to be worthy of recognition. From fairly wide observation I have come to the conclusion that the earned Lambeth Degree of Bachelor of Divinity counts far more than a similar, degree at Oxford or Durham or London, high as their standards may be.—Yours
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Hillside, 7 Albion Hill, Loughton, Essex. -