Shorter Notices
IN his magazine New Verse, Mr. Grigson often used to insist that for poets "the world of objects is our constant discipline," or, as he says in the present introduction, the......
In My Garden
That unlovely and hard-bitten thing, the cabbage-stalk, whic announces to the nose the large amount of sulphur that it contains is a cause of trouble to many amateur gardeners.......
. Country Life Holly Berries Are Still Untouched And Are
sufficiently numerous. They are a tough fruit as is witnessed by their slowness to germinate. The berries sown this winter will not start growing till 1946; but happily they......
National Parks An Interesting Screed On National Parks ....
produced by the Council for the Preservation of Rural England. Personally, I find it difficult to be much interested in the form of preservation, perhaps because any such park......
This Is The Best Book Yet Written About Hopkins Because
it is, so far, the most comprehensive, if most detached, and the most thorough study of the poet. It is to be followed by a second volume, and the author's preface contains a......
Tchaikovsky. A Short Biography By Gerald Abraham....
is a useful book, for it contains material that does not appear in the few and incomplete studies of this Russian composer avail- able in English. It is perhaps all the better......
Provincial Natural History
It is remarkable, and a sign of the times, that local papers, even in war-time, are finding more space for natural history ; but the western half of England excels the east in......