Provincial Natural History
It is remarkable, and a sign of the times, that local papers, even in war-time, are finding more space for natural history ; but the western half of England excels the east in this regard. More than that: the presses are producing pleasing natural history books for both children and grown-ups. Nottingham has produced one, and the latest I have seen comes from Leicester, where Mr. Pochin has published A Nature-lover's Note Book, very pleasantly illustrated and containing a good number of observations of rarer birds an of migrations that are useful to the ornithologist. Interesting note
on the blue wagtail and the water-rail and the lesser spotted wood pecker are examples. The last of these is very much smaller tha most people imagine (the body of one that flew into a church windou has recently been brought to me), but it is not quite so small a Mr. Poc,hin suggests.