" Zuleikar Recitative and Air. The Poetry from "the Bride
of Abydos ;' the Music by T. F. WALmisLEY. Mr. W.thsusi.sx is better known as a glee-writer than a composer of songs; but, judging from this and some other- specimens of his talent in the latter department of his art, we should exhort him to pursue it more vigorously. "Zuleika" is really a delightful &nig : we went through it three times before we could leave it, and its beautiful melody has stayed with us ever since. We recommend Mr. WALMISLEY to send a copy of this song to Mr. Vauousss, who has for some years wanted an addition to his stock ; and if he does not express his grateful thanks to the composer—and further, if he does not sing it to our entire satisfaction at his next benefit—he is neither the man nor the'singer we take him to be.