Purcell's Sacred Music, Edited By Vincent Xovello.
We noticed this work in an early stage of its progress ; and it is to discharge ourselves of a debt of gratitude that we record its advance as far as the 46th Number. Every......
" Zuleikar Recitative And Air. The Poetry From "the Bride
of Abydos ;' the Music by T. F. WALmisLEY. Mr. W.thsusi.sx is better known as a glee - writer than a composer of songs; but, judging from this and some other - specimens of his......
New Portraits.
Mr. LEWIS has just completed a beautiful fiw-simile, the size of the original, of the crayon sketch by Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE, from which the late President painted the full-length......
Fine Arts.
POMPEIANA. No. VI. of this interesting work contains, among other plates, a head of Achilles, copied from a picture on the wall of a house, representing Achilles restoring......
The English School Of Painting And Sculpture.
NOS. VII., VIII., and IX. of this cheap, pretty, and useful little work, contain reduced outlines of various modern and popular pictures, which have been engraved, from Honmurn,......
"my Fondest, My Fairest ;" Hummel's Celebrated Tyrolean...
to English words by G-. LINLEY. Of the original air with its vocal variations, we expressed our opinion some time since. Stript of these excrescences, and, as we think them,......
THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS. Tar first trial-night was on Monday last. The band mustered nume- rously, and presented the same faces in all the principal departments as last year.......
Works Of Humour.
THE Third Part of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S SCRAPS and SKETCHES is highly amusing, and full of drollery, with some good sketches of cha. racter and "points of humour." His shafts......