have read the ably-written article on the Isle of Man,. in the Spectator of the 11th inst. The writer seems to have had some unfortunate experience in landing here, or to have received information on this point from some one who has not recently visited the island, for he says that "the arrangements for disembarking are scandalously bad." This was formerly the case, no doubt ; but since the completion of the Victoria, Pier they are under the immediate supervision of Colonel Paul,. the head constable of the island, and are as satisfactory in every, respect as is possible. The steamers now come alongside of the pier at all states of the tide, and the former danger and discom- fort of lauding in small boats are entirely done away with. In justice to those concerned, I am sure you will be only too glad to correct the unfavourable impression which may have been caused by this statement, as it might otherwise be the means of keeping visitors from our shores.—I am, Sir, &c., ROBERT S. STEPIIEN.
16 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, January 22nd.