29 JANUARY 1881, page 26


Our Ware, Little Or Great, Give Us Anyhow A Supply

of readable books of military adventure. Major R. C. W. Nutford, of tho 14th Bengal Lancers, writes To Outtbul with the Cavalry Brigade. (W. I. Allen and Co.)—Major Nutford......

Elan Burritt. A Memorial Volume, Edited By Charles...

(Sampson Low and Co.)—That Burritt was a remarkable man, no one who roads this volume can doubt, if indeed he was not aware of the fact before. His linguistic attainments—he is......

Life's Seven Ages. 3 Vols. By Mrs. Hibbort-ware. (c. T.

Skeet.) —Mrs. Ilibbert-Ware has chosen for the subject of her present work the life of Esquire Hartop, a Yorkshire centenarian, who lived to the respectable age of one hundred......

Health Studies. By H. Sinclair Paterson, M.d. (hodder And...

volume contains a course of lectures delivered in the lecture-hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. They are characterised by sober sense, though with some of the......

Social Sinners. By Hawley Smart. S Vols. (chapman And Hall.)

—There is better work in this novel than wo have seen in Captain Smart's recent efforts. Tho idea of the disastrous effect of a con- tingent inheritance is just in itself, and......