The latest report from Eastern Europe is that the great
Powers have all agreed to another negotiation as to the Greek frontier,—at Constantinople. It is not to be a Conference, but a kind of collective negotiation with the Porte. The Sultan has assented to this last attempt to keep the peace, but Greece has not, her statesmen believing that Turkey only agrees to further negotiation in order to gain time and avoid the cession of Jannina. They say they will fight in February. There are some signs of shrinking in Constantinople, where they now offer a line which would include Larissa, and it is believed that the Sultan is greatly alarmed about Albania. The North Albanians are in almost open revolt, the South Albanians are ready for terms with Greece, and it is very doubtful if the Turkish troops will act with heartiness against them. The Porto is, therefore, playing its old, game,—making promises, setting chief against chief, and arresting suspected individuals. The Albanians aro not conciliated, but lack a leader of more than tribal importance.