29 JANUARY 1887, Page 14



Sin,—In reply to your editorial note appended to my letter of January 22nd, on "A Close Time for Evictions " (which I am glad to see you call " A Reasonable Proposal "), I am happy to be able to give you a perfectly clear and satisfactory answer. In order to be sure of my facts, I have consulted a well-known agriculturist of this neighbourhood, and he confirms my im- pression that a tenancy commencing the first week in March (dating as Lady Day) would enable the entering tenant to prepare the land for any crops that can be profitably grown in Ireland,—that is to say, for barley, oats, potatoes, winter-roots, and spring vetches, for no one in his senses would now dream of sowing wheat if he could help it. There is, therefore, no " difficulty caused by the will of Nature as to seed-time and harvest." H the months of November, December, and January were substituted for December, January, and February, all possible difficulty on this score would disappear.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Shute Leigh, Wellington, Somerset. CILULLES H. Fox.