Irish Evictions.
[To THE ZOTTOR OF THE "SPECTATOR") SIR, —Will you allow me to suggest a way of effectually dis- couraging Irish evictions ? A very large proportion of the tenants evicted are of......
A Close Time For Evictions.
[To ras EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—In reply to your editorial note appended to my letter of January 22nd, on "A Close Time for Evictions " (which I am glad to see you......
Letters To The Editor.
HOME-RULE AND SEPARATION. [To Tea EDITOR Or Tea Brsukrw."] attach no importance to Mr. Dickinson's reference to any extreme language used by Irish Nationalist leaders, for the......
The Landlord Vereue The Tradesman. Ito Vu Moms Or Vs.
"13PICTAT013."1 SIR,—In your article on "Sentiment and Law" (January 22nd, p. 104), you. say,-.." A landlord's claim is as good as that of a butcher, or baker, or any other......
Absurdities Dt Politics. [to Me Editor Of The...
have no desire whatever to enter into a controversy with Lord Monkswell in the columns of the Spectator. On one point, however, I will ask your leave to set him right. My......
Unionist Home-rule. [to 7131 Emma Or Tar Spectator."] Slr...
more word, if you will give me space for it, to show the streogthof the position of the Unionist Home-rulers, which ought to go a long way to show that the Irish Party do not......