interviewers that all his preparations are directed towards defence, and
then denies that he ever saw an interviewer; and the inspired journals. of Berlin saw that no request for disarmament will be addressed. to France, though there must. be uneasiness until France repudiates all intention of revising the Treaty of 1870. On the other hand, Germany has forbidden the export of horses,—an order which, besides keeping them in Germany, makes German home purchases cheap ; and Austria has organised her Landsturm. This will,. in case of extreme necessity, enable the Emperor to summon a. million of trained men in addition to his Regular Army, and it is specially ordered in the decree that if the men are sum- moned before their uniforms can be ready, they shall wear- the Austrian colours in stripes on the arm. The Reservists, moreover, due on April 4th, are commanded to appear on• February 10th, a most expensive change. It is stated, also, on good authority, that both the German and French Governments are buying up tinned meats ; and, in short, the military chiefs are determined that if there is war, all preparations, especially the hospitals, shall be complete.