The Dacoit's Treasure. By H. C. Moore. (W. H. Addison
and Co.)—Two young Englishmen are made aware of a treasure in the neighbourhood of a certain pagoda in return for their kindness to a Burmese phongyee or priest. They travel up country, and have adventures and fights with the Deceits. The Daeoit chief is their great enemy. A Burmese girl educated in England and an English girl, captured by the Deceits, oppor- tunely require deliverance, and all ends well. The treasure is found, nearly lost, and finally secured with the young ladies. It is a good story of adventure, with stirring incidents, and reads with a truthful air. One would have thought that the party would have penetrated the chief's disguise,—he accompanies the party unknown to them for days ! However, we suppose the Deceit has a fair share of cunning and cleverness.