Stories Of Famous Songs.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In the Spectator of January 22nd you wrote : "The For ever, never' refrain of The Old Clock on the Stairs' seems so entirely the......
FROM THE SONG-BOOK OF BETHIA HARDACRE. TO (Who says that a life disabled for active service must be intolerable). THINE eyes are holden and but see Life from the standpoint of......
The Sense Of Direction.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] SIR, --. A.8 bearing on this interesting subject, will you permit me to mention the following incidents, one of which came within my own......
THE WAR OF THE WORLDS.* IN The War of the Worlds Mr. Wells has achieved a very notable success in that special field of fiction which he has chosen for the exercise of his very......
An Anonymous Donor Of The "spectator." [to The Editor Of
THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—I should be very glad to know the name and address of the kind friend who sends me the Spectator, with postmark,......