The Epistle of Et. Ames. By the late F. J. A. Hort, D.D. (Macmillan and Co. 5s.)—It was intended that this Epistle should be part of Dr. Hart's share in the Commentary on the New Testament which he, with Westcott and Lightfoot, planned nearly fifty years ago. He lectured on the Epistle as Hulsean Professor in the years 1880, 1881, and 1889. The introductory matter may be considered complete, but the Commentary was not carried beyond the word 8:a84CAy., in iv. 7. So far it is very full and com- plete, and supplemented with some additional notes. No detailed examination of it is possible here; we can but call attention to the appearance of the book, and recognise the obligation which Biblical students are under to the Rev. J. 0. F. Murray (Warden of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury) for the labour which he has expended in preparing Dr. Hort's MS. for publication. We may note that Dr. Hort attributes the Epistle to James, the Lord's Brother. As to this "brotherhood," he holds that the "decided preponderance of reason" favours the Epiphanian theory that he was a son of Joseph. He assigns an early date, 60 A.D. ; not so early, however, as some commentators. It seems quite clear that if the Epistle belongs at all to the first century of our era, it must be earlier than the Fall of Jerusalem.