Gulliver's Travels. Illustrated By Arthur Rackham. (j. M....
Sons. 7s. 6d. net.)—We like these illustrations better than the last. They are more direct and to the point ; indeed, the picture of Gulliver bombarded by the Brobdingnagian......
Miss Edge Worth And Her French Friends.* This Is A
slight but lively and very readable book. If it contains little that is quite new, things familiar to admirers of Miss Edgeworth's character and genius are cleverly arranged,......
A New Scottish Poet.*
"POETRY more truly Scots than that of Mr. Murray is no longer written—was not even written by Mr. Stevenson." So writes Mr. Lang in his introduction to this book, and the......
The Return Of Louis Xviii*
M. STENGER has collected a mass of interesting information on the years 1813-15, and his book is exceedingly readable in English, thanks to Mrs. Rodolph Stawell's talent as a......
Current Literature.
ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Uncline. Adapted from the German by W. L. Courtney, and Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. (W. Heinemann. 7s. 6d. net.)— Mr. Courtney's adaptation of Fouque's......