John Keble. By the Hon. F. L. Wood, M.A. (A. R. Mowbray and Co. Sc. 6d. net.)—This is one of the "Leaders of the Church, 1800-1900," Series, appearing under the editorship of Mr. G. W. E. Russell. No one can doubt that John Keble has every right to be reckoned among the "Leaders," the men in whom the movement which has so transformed the Anglican Chtirch found its expres- skin. Some of the minor qualities of Wrlealle'r hg did not possess. For instance, he did not actually Adria.' irilehe /Mat!' The greater part of his life was spent in retirement, yet he was a great moving force. And there was nothing of the spirit of compromise about him. For all his personal gentleness and diffidence, he was really an extremist. A difficult passage in his history is the change of the words "Present in the heait, not in the hands," to "Present, in the heart as in the hands," in "The Christian Year." It was made when he was within a few weeks of his death, but the change of words probably expressed at the last moment a change of conviction which was of long standing. Every High Church- man who is not content with Hooker's doctrine holds it.. It is not necessary to comment farther on Mr. Wood's book. It is what we might expect in a volume written under the auspices of Mr. Russell, and dedicated to Lord rialifair