• It was, however, felt that Compton Mackenzie had not
entirely got the feeling of the Annual Council at Buxton on the question of strike action. The impression left by the statement, otherwise correct, that Council " had decided by a small majority not to start a strike " does less than justice to the real militancy of the conference. This mili- tancy is indicated by a resolution previously approved, which was crystal-clear in its implications, even if the style has the tradi- tional pedogogic restraint.
Resolution 44 instructed the Executive Committee to take, immediately, the following action in the event of the Burnham Committee accepting the present award: (a) A Fighting Fund to be started immediately (a minimum of 5s. weekly per member is suggested).
(b) To urge the Joint Four to approach the Minister of Education with a view to con- tinued negotiations on behalf of all Grammar School teachers.
(c) If no satisfactory agreement has been reached by January 1st, 1955, to arrange a national vote of members on the question of strike action.
(d) The I.A.A.M should approach all Grammar School teachers for their support for action on the lines outlined above.
The Minister's acceptance of the Burnham proposals has made the above course of action operative.—Yours faithfully,
149 Farley Road, Selsdon, Surrey