Mr. Hartley, Rightly I Think, Sees Two Entirely Different...
of poet at work today —what lie calls the Neo-Symbolist and the Metaphysical. He finds neither adequate to this time and asks " . .. is there no third way open to English poetry......
Philip James The Big Truth
SIR,-- 1 wish to thank you very warmly for your leading article " The Big Truth," which appeared in your journal for November 27th last. Through this article you have done a......
Faithfully, John Wain Les Lilas, Les Diablerets, Vaud,...
SIR, —As last week's new great poet, I was very glad to see that letter from a Doctor Sitwell telling Mr. Anthony Hartley that it's okay for great poets to copy bits out of dead......
OF all the year's mixed exhibitions I ap- proach that of the Young Contemporaries with the least misgiving. It is by no means that the standard at the RBA Galleries in Suffolk......
The That Was Made Possible, In Spite Of The Modest
size of our Grant-in-aid, by the Munificence of private benefactions. It was not my concern to allocate purchases amongst these benefactions, and accordingly I used a quiet......
All The Pictures, Sculpture, Drawing And En- Gravings...
belonged to Mr. Courtauld at the time of his death or had come into public ownership through his generosity." But until three weeks ago I was Unaware that its scope was to......
What Noise Is That ? How Now, What Hath Befallen
? I'll tell the news; here comes the general. Tomorrow—out of joint—the pity of it— Ripeness is all. Do you get the way I've twisted the meanings there ? I'd like to see Mr.......