Mr. Nehru's High Moral Tone
Communist. It is not Mr. Nehru's repeated assertions of his desire to keep India out, of trouble that the West finds difficult to understand it is the contradiction between his vigorous fight against Communism at home and the ostentatious cold shoulder which he is so fond, of giving those abroad who are exerting their strength to contain Communism—that same Communism which would swallow up India' if it could. Mr, Nehru is forever preaching peace; but ithas been demonstrated before, in Kashmir for .example, that he is not always willing to practise what he preaches. Ambiguity is a necessary part of the political craft, but Mr. Nehru sometimes gives the impression that he is willing to carry it to unusual lengths. India is in the Commonwealth but India is scrupulous not to offend the power which threatens the Commonwealth, and all other free peoples. India deals ruthlessly with Communism at home and turns the other cheek to Communism abroad. India, in fact, is willing to see the defences against Communism weakened outside its own borders. That is what is meant by creating an ' area of peace.' It is in the light of this contra- diction that India's pressure on Pakistan not to accept military aid from the United States should be seen and judged.