The National Art Collections The statement issued by the Trustees
of the Tate Gallery together with the letter from its Director published on another Page. help to clear up matters which have been under dis- cussion in these columns durifig the past month. The Tate Trustees admit that in thirteen cases works have been acquired Which were ' not fully within the terms' of the funds from Which the money for their purchase was drawn, and have very Properly decided to refund the sums in question from their other resources. They also feel that more attention should in future be paid to the hope expressed by the donator of the 2eve fund that the fund should be used to buy pictures by ritish artists. In fact, there has been a certain amount of carelessness at the Tate in the use of trust funds. It is to be aoped that this has now been put right once and for all. But it is by no means certain that the apparatus for the public control of public pictures is either perfect in itself or being unproved with the passage of time.