The Earl of Kimberley is to hold the Duchy of
Lancaster for the present, without salary, which implies that Mr. Gladstone is reserving the means of recasting, to a considerable extent, his Government, before very long. Ther6 are now three Cabinet Ministers who hold two offices apiece,—the Prime Minister, Lord Carling-ford, and Lord Kimberley. The Tory papers are all anxi- ous for Mr. Gladstone's retirement, and are speculating eagerly upon it ; but of this we are sure, that Mr. Gladstone will not retire in the middle of a great crisis. He is not the man to run away from a heavy responsibility. When Egypt is pacified, Ireland quiet, and the procedure of the House of Commons reformed, it is possible that we shall hear of Mr. Gladstone's re- tirement, or partial retirement, from his present heavy responsi- bilities; but hardly sooner, so long as his health continues. Those who are so eager to get rid of him had better hasten the period they desire, by helping him in these three tasks to the utmost a their ability.