Lord Granville Published Last Saturday A Despatch To Lord...
dated on the day of the bombardment, July 11th, giving a long and very clear summary of the events which had resulted in the bombardment of the forts. The despatch shows very......
Sir Stafford Northcote Made A Speech On Saturday At Charl-
ton Park, near Greenwich, at a meeting of the West Kent and Greenwich Conservatives, of which the main drift was that Lord Beaconsfield's policy during the Russian war had been......
In The House Of Commons On The Same Evening, Mr.
Gladstone founded our responsibility on the active part which the British Government had taken in inducing the Sultan to depose Ismail and to set up Tesvfik ; and on our......
Sir Charles Dilke Showed How Entirely We Had Favoured, And
desired to favour, the development of free institutions in Egypt, so far as they were consistent with order and the authority of the Khedive whom. we were bound to support.......
Sir Stafford Northcote's Tone Was, If Anything, More...
than Lord Salisbury's. He declared that our troubles in Egypt had been brought about, not by the action of the late Government, but by the action,--" if it can be called so,"—of......
In The House Of Lords, On Monday, Lord Granville, In
moving for papers, made his statement on the situation in Egypt, giving a summary of his despatch, declaring that we had the moral sup- port of Europe in what we were......
Just As We Are Going To Press, We Receive The
news that Arabi has made overtures for peace, and proposes retir- ing to a Syrian monastery, with his full rank and pay, and similar conditions for nine of his colleagues. The......