NEW EDITIONS AND REPRINTS. —The Holy War. By John Bunyan.
(Ward, Lock, and Co.)—This work of Bunyan's has met with comparative neglect, or, certainly, with less appre- ciation than it deserves. For, indeed, it is in parts very fine, fully equal in picturesqueness and vigour to the " Pilgrim's Progress?' The allegory, however, is less consistent. This is a cheap edition, well printed, but furnished with a frontispiece which does not adorn it. What would John Bunyan have said if he bad seen among the "people put into white" the ministry represented by a priest wearing an alb and a stole ornamented with crosses ? —In the series of " Francis Park-man's Works" (Macmillan and Co.), The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life (8s. 6d. net).—Sate Coventry. By G. J. Whyte-Melville. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Dorothy Fox. By Mrs. Parr. (Macmillan and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Eric; or, Little by Little. By F. W. Farrar. (6d.)