Comprehension And Diversity.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR, —Many of the Liberals in the Church of England would go with you in your plea for comprehension and diversity if they were quite sure to......
Letters To The Editor.
RESERVATION. [To TUE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATOR."1 San,—Quite alive to my presumption as being impar congresses Achilli , I must again ask you to let me take exception to the......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "]
Sin,—Last week the two Archbishops sat at Lambeth to hear arguments as to the legality of Reservation of the Sacrament in the English Church, and judgment was reserve& On Sunday......
Mary Ansell's Case.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR, With all deference to the usually judicial fairness of the Spectator, I venture to think that many of us may reasonably demur both to......