Reminiscences of Manchester. By Louis M. Hayes. (Sherratt and Hughes.
Os. net.)—Any one who can recollect Manchester as it was sixty-odd years ago has much to tell us. Most of the per- sonages who are mentioned in Mr. Hayes's pages have or had a local reputation; but now and then we come upon a more widely known name, John Rylands, for instance, and Bishop Fraser. We may add also Alexander MacLaren. But where is Owens College ? Surely Manchester has done nothing within times which may yet be called contemporary to compare with this. It is the first of the provincial Universities. It is not often, indeed, that we find Mr. Hayes wanting. He has widely extended tastes ; and he has evidently been in the habit of keeping his eyes open. Among the curiosities of his book is his notice of "Manchester Moors." He passes to them by an abrupt transition from the " Moors " in the geographical sense, Kersal Moor, which lies some three miles north-west of the city. These " Moors " are Mauritanians, and came to Manchester on an errand of business. Their time of prosperity seems to have passed away. About games Mr. Hayes has not very much to say ; but it is interesting to know that golf was played on Kersal Moor as long ago as half-a-century. There are some good illustrations in the book, but a map would have been useful. We do not all know Manchester as well as does Mr. Hayes. And where is the index ? To send out a book of three hundred and fifty pages in which there are hundreds of names of places and people without this help is really an offence.