Sir A. Acland-hood Then Formally Moved The Adjournment Of...
House in order that there might be a general debate. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, who spoke first, traversed Mr. Balfour's statement of Mr. Gladstone's views, and declared that......
The Free-trade Speeches In The Course Of The Debate That
followed were remarkable alike for their cogency in argument and for the earnestness of the speakers. Lord Robertson, as a Tory Free-trader, pointed out the ruin that was being......
In The House Of Lords On Thursday The Duke Of
Devonshire made one of his most memorable contribu- tions to what we may call the internal and party aspect of the Fiscal controversy. His Motion was a declaration against (1)......
The Congress Of Delegates From The Zemstvos Held At Moscow
has dispersed after a speech from Prince Peter Dolgoroukoff in which that leader recommended that as it was hopeless to expect a satisfactory Constitution from above, the......
On Tuesday In The House Of Lords, Lord Tweedmouth
called attention to the very serious deficiency in the number of officers in the British Army, and moved that the matter required the instant attention of the Government. Lord......
-in The Commons On The Same Day Mr. Balfour Made
his promised statement of the way in which the Government proposed to treat their defeat in Committee of Supply on the previous Thursday. He began by announcing that there was......
(7)11 Monday In The House Of Lords, Lord Lansdowne, On
the invitation of Lord Spencer, gave a synopsis of the state- ment which Mr. Balfour was then making in the Commons. Thursday week's vote could not be taken as "a deliberate......