29 JUNE 1839, Page 11


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arran:row. The week commenced very gloomily, and there appeared on Monday every probability of a continuance of the state of' panic to which we referred in our last. So great was the alarm, that, during the first hour of business it was im- possible to effect sales of Money Stock at any thing like reasonable rates ; but as the day advanced, and the Bank broker did not snake his appearance to sell, confidence revived„and the prices of Stock recovered. This favourable appearance has continued throughout the week ; and the prices of all descriptions of Stock have been rei,stablished within a trifle of the quotations at which they stood previous to the publication of the Bank notice. The lowest prices during the short-lived pressure may be cited as under—Reduced Three per Cents. 90k; Three per Cent. Consols for Account 92k; Bank Stock 187; India Stock 254 and Exchequer Bills 5 prem. The prices of to-Jay are—Reduced Three per Cents. 924 ; Consols 934 ; Bank Stock 188 190; India Stock 256 to 258; and Exchequer Bills 28 to 30. Some idea may thus be formed of the sacri- fices to which individuals have been driven by the operation of the recent aug- mentation of' the rate of discount.

In the Foreign Market, the pressure, though partially relieved, bas been of much longer continuance than in the English house ; and the speculators in all descriptions of Foreign Bonds were compelled upon the settlement of the Account, which occurred to-day, to pay an interest varying from 5 to 20 per cod, per annum. The highest rates were, of course, paid upon the Non- dividend Stocks—Spanish, Portuguese, and South American ; but in some in- stances 8 or 9 per cent, was given upon the security of Dutch Bonds. Almost all descriptions of Foreign Funds have fluctuated materially. Dutch Two- and-a-Half per Cents, have been at 544, and sire to-day 554. Portuguese Five per Cents, have been at 334, and are to-day 344; the Three per Cents. have been at 20, and are to-day at 21. Spanish Active Stock, which hus been as low as 18i, has rallied, and is to-day 10i. Brazilian Bonds have felt the pressure, and have been done at 77 ; from which point there does not appear to be any disposition to advance. The high rate of interest for money has caused an improvement in the Dutch and Hamburg exchanges, but that upon Paris is still heavy. It is be- lieved that, although the rate of interest for money must continue high for some time, all immediate danger of a panic is removed.

SAITEDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. Markets generally are heavier than at the close of business yesterday ; hot the business transacted has been so unimportant as not to afford scope for any observation.


The Consol Market closes without variation ; but it is, if any thing, rather firmer than its the morning. In the Foreign Market, the only fluctuation has been in Spanish : Active Stock has been buyers at 1914 but closes at 103 A.

3 per Cent. Onsets shut Brazilian 5 per Cents

Dino for Account 93t 4 Danish 3 per Cents 741 5

3 per Cent. Reduced.. 921 3 Mich 2f per Cents 551 6

l'■OW 33 per Cent. Anus shut Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 341

Bask Stock 190 Ditto 3 per Cents 201 14 India Stock shut Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.... 112f 113 Ditto Bonds 30 pm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.... Elf 1

Exchequer Bills 26 28pm. Deferred Sleek St

Belgian 5 per Cents. 1023 Passive Ditto 43