29 JUNE 1839, page 11

Sonic Disappointment Was Felt In The City This Morning, When

it was found that the usual monthly average accounts of the Liabilities and Assets of the Bank of England had not been published in the Gazette of last night. We believe this is......

Topics Of The Day.

CHEAP POSTAGE, AT HOME AND ABROAD. THE " financial statement," so long due from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will not be very satisfitctory when it comes. It is known that......

A Very Numerous Meeting Of Members Of The House Of

Lords took place yesterday at Apsley house, at which it was determined unani- mously by the Peers present, that they would vote in favour of the omission of the first clause of......

In The House Of Lords, The Bills Of Exchange Bill

was read a third time, and passed ; with an amendment moved by the Marquis of LASS- DOWER, which provides that advances at the higher rate of interest may be made on "goods,......

Last Night's Gazette Announces The Appointment Of Mr....

Secretary to the Embassy at Paris, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Madrid. Mr. Henry Bulwer, Secretary of Embassy at St. Petersburg, succeeds Mr. Aston......

The Carlow Election Inquiry Is Not Yet Concluded. The...

are e ven on the poll, and the Bruen objections are exhausted. If Mr. Gis- borne can strike off another vote, he:will be seated : if not, the election will be declared void. An......

East India Shipping.

Arrived—At Gravesend, June 2411,, Vixen, Palmer, from the Cape ; and 2551,, Belle Areoll, from China. At Deal, 26th, Inglis, Routh, from China ; 2711,, Mesta, Rylo, from Ceylon......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arran:row. The week commenced very gloomily, and there appeared on Monday every probability of a continuance of the state of' panic to which we referred......