be Court.
TIIE Queen takes frequent rides on horseback ; generally attended by the Baroness Lehzen, Lord Uxbridge, Colonel Weinyss, and Mr. Charles Murray. On Tuesday evening, her Majesty went to the Italian Opera, with the Princess of Leiningen, the Countess of Burling- ton, Mr. William Cowper, Lord Gardner, Viscountess Forbes, and Colonel Wemyss.
On Wednesday, the Queen held a Levee at Buckingham Palace. At the entiale levee were presented the Earl of Clureudon, on his marriage, and Mr. Henry Bulwer, on being appointed Secretary of Embassy at Paris. Among the general company, we notice the names of the Duke of Rutland, the Marquises of Westminster, Londonderry, and Douro, the Earls of Devon, Lovelace, Powis, Camperdown and Winchilsea, Viscounts Strangfbrd, Powerseourt, and St. Vincent, lawds Oleneig, De Ros, Methuen, and Milton, Messrs. Stanstield, Charles Buller, Ashton Yates, Ilawes, Smut, Hindley, and Alfred Clinton.
A state ball, which was to have been given by the Queen at Bucking- ham Palace yesterday, was postponed by an order issued on Wednes- day front the Lord Chamberlain's office. It is presumed that the dan- gerous illness of Lady Flom Hastings, who resides at Buckingham Palace with the Dutehess of Kent, is the cause of the postponement. The Dutehess of Kent visited Lady Conroy at Kensington, on Satur- day; Sir John Conroy and his lady being to depart for the Continent next day.