In consequence of some most extraordinary rumours which havc . prevailed
in Ashton and the neighbouring towns for the last two or three days, respecting the conduct of the Reverend Mr. Stephens, the populace have suddenly hurled to the ground the idol they had set up, and are everywhere saying the most bitter things against bun. 'yhey have destroyed their articles of household crockery on which his be- witching features were depicted, and declare that they will never m(ffl. put confidence in any man. What renders the thing not a little re- markable is, that no one pretends to know precisely the "bight cranes and misdemeanours" with which be is charged ; but some of his most intimate friends have declared that they can never meet him again, either in public or private. A sort of jury of his friends assembled last night to investigate the matter, but as it was intimated to them that his reverence would not submit to their judgment, they had no alternative but to break up without doing any thing.—Liverpool Correspondent of the Standard. [What is the meaning of all this?]