Robert Pate was examined at the Home Office yesterday, on
the charge of striking the Queen. The witnesses described the assault nearly in the same terms as those used at Tine Street ; adding, that "the blow caused her Ma- jesty to swerve on one side for an instant,' and greatly alarmed her children. Renwick, the Queen's sergeant footman, instantly seized Pate, and the pos- tillions, looking round, drew up. The Queen immediately said, "Go on, Renwick ; I am not hurt " ; and the carriage drove off: The cane was pro- duced : it is extremely light, and quite unfit to inflict any serious hurt. Pate has been eccentric, and circumstances indicating that he is somewhat de- ranged continue to come out. His father, recently High Sheriff of Cam- bridgeshire, was present at the inquiry, with Mr. lluddlestone the barrister. The prisoner was remanded to the House of Detention in Ckrkenwell, till- Friday next.
The Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs, and one hundred and fifty of the Common Councilmen of the City of London, went in state today, and presented an address of congratulation to the Queen on the birth of a Prince. The citizens were present in an unprecedented number, from a desire to show a tacit sympathy with her Majesty after the rude violence done to her on Thursday. The Recorder read the address, and a "most gracious reply" was given.
The Lord Mayor gave a grand entertainment at the Mansionhouse, yester- day, to the principal officers of the Freemasons of England. The Earl of Zetland, and some half-adozen other Peers, with several Members of the House of Commons, were among the numerous company.
A. review of all the branches of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich took place y!sterday on the Common, in the presence of Prince Albert, the Duke of Wellington, a large number of field-officers, and the Nepaulese Envoy and his brothers.
The Berlin Ministerial paper of the 24th instant publishes the letter of M. Bunsen to Lord Palmerston, complaining officially of his expulsion from the House of Lords, and minutely describing the circumstance as it occurred. Appended is the reply of Lord Palmerston expressing the regret of her Majesty's Government that a misunderstanding of the regulations of the House should have produced such a result.