29 JUNE 1850, page 2

The Outrage To The Queen On Thursday Evening, With Which

the town rings, is an occurrenoe of a kind to hurry ail the world into ab- surdities. Involving the highest political interests in the person of the Sovereign, it is yet so......

Few Public Acts Have Provoked Such A Storm Of Anger

as the sus- pension of the Post-office on Sundays. Its practical inconveniences Few public acts have provoked such a storm of anger as the sus- pension of the Post-office on......

News Of The Week.

-Tier. Commons have taken far more time than the Lords in adjust- ing their verdict on the foreign policy of the Government ; the question being propounded to the Commons in a......

Mthatts Net Trurrthiugs Iu Varliaurnt.

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Houtz or Loans. Monday, June 24. Small Tenements Recovery (Ireland) Bill, Mt through Committee—Sunday Letter-sending—Drainage and Improvement of......

The World Beyond Our "four Seas" Is Not Stagnant, Of

course, yet the incidents narrated in the news of the week are not salient. The compromise of the French Assembly, which makes Prince Louis Napoleon a present to indemnify him......