The world beyond our "four seas" is not stagnant, of
course, yet the incidents narrated in the news of the week are not salient. The compromise of the French Assembly, which makes Prince Louis Napoleon a present to indemnify him for his expenses but refuses to increase -his salary, was a result foreseen. The Prince President has learned that the ill-defined and unknown party to whom he has too exclusively given himself up has not paramount influence in the Assembly ; and the Republicans have learned that revolutions may be untlirifty, and Presidents costly though denied the titles of royalty. The report that France and Russia are "doing the handsome," to shame Lord Palmerston, by waiving their claims of repayment on account of the Greek loan, needs confirmation ; as the step would cut off some right of intervention on the part of those powers. Prussia continues to dabble in the Danish negotiation and to contend with its own press. The 'United States Government has actually caused General Lopez to be brought to trial. In Canada, Sir Alan M‘Na.b has been making some re- taliatory attempt to get indemnity on the score of "rebellion losses" for his party; but the measure is unexplained in the short accounts received, and it was rejected in the House of Assembly.