i. eilult ,%cda Mr. John Parry's new entertainment, whichhe gave
iate4471,1,4ins ta. Music-hill in Store Street, though of the lighteet deZeriptiomitineawidi- mit.e Pgiveee:- He 04414, "Notes, Ve.C41/04 InAtrtiniedtatV Oft* certainly shows.very kifraotuallY no how Many Ways notv'ttalli intWand
instrumental are tortured into absurdity and nonaense.4 , lady pianists, gentleMen aftini vinaliste, fashionableforeign opera-composers aW-aisigers„.404 tle. wlleTheof modern music-makers. His imitations
are ladiereus in the extreme, because : theY are true we laugh at them Henry, Alexaoder Mangles. B. D. merit heartily, because we arelaughing atthiug that are really met with. etory day.- Parry,.1sesirleiNliifixt Sothal a musieiani and his own singing. and playing are so capital, that he throirs a certaiitgrace and beauty even into his -caricatures and 'these . liwInterminglee "with songs and ballads. sung in earnest, and in such it Wart-bat no lover of music, however re- fined, can listen to them withont'pleasure.