29 JUNE 1850, Page 20


On the 20th June, at Hilderstone Hall; Staffordshire, 'the-Wife of John Bonnie, Esq., of a son: On the 21st. at WolseHy Hall, Staffordshire, Lady VT-..nilleeley, of a 'soh. On the 220, in New Street, Spring Gardens, the Wife of J. Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P.' of a daughter.


Onthe 24th, at BrandshyLtdgei liorkeltlik 'Wife of .1197)P4 Cholmeley, Esq., of On the 25th, at Windmill Hill, .:8uatie4 thaSelikief Herbert Maseall Curteis, Esq„ M.P.., of a daughter. • ..!‘“ J. , r■A*1-0,1 On the.26th, at Oxford, the lion. Mrs., Bradahalw, stardom. bin:1MM

On the 26th, at Oxford; the Bon. Mre:Bradshaw, ofeettoall .viLsom, .

MARRIAGES. . 117 I K.( LatIL ' ()utile. 19th June, at the parish-church. licightoir. Francis . 11,14.airitY4e, of Syndale. Park, Kent, to Charlotte !ASiella, 0144 dallifiltai. Af.4.81IF81 Sir Ralph Darhng, G.C.H. On the 20th, at Budock Church, :near Falmouth, John de, dOtirei, 'son: ttthe late James John Hamilton, Esq., of Ballymacoll, county of Meath, and the Hon. Mrs. Hamilton, to Anna Chapman, youngest daughter of the late George Illlhouse, Esq.,

late of Combo House, Oleucestershire. . , On the 20th, at St. patients Church, Robert diaries Roos . "cocni, Esq., of

Colombo, Ceylon, son of the late Itoosniale-Coeqsq., of %taker*, to Emily, eldest daughter of the late SaminilGirdlestone, Esq, Q.C., of Chester:Terrace, Re- gent's Park.

On the ,20th, at, Brighton, Captain , H. C. Otter, to Mary Jerairea, second daughter of Lieutenant-General John Francis . •

On the 22d, at Marylebone Church,- Captain Cardew, late of the Seventy4ourth Highlanders, ,son of .Major-General Cardew, of Southsea, Hants, to Eliza .1841P, 8C- concl.daughter of Bkhard Bethell,•Esq.„.q.c. On the 25th, at St. Peter's ,Church, Pimlico, the Hon. and Rev. George T. V. Bridgeman, second son of the Earl of Bradford, to Emily. Mary, second daughter of the LoodBiehep of Bath and Wells and Lady Harriet, Begot. On the 20t1i, Baron Mayer De Rothschild; of Piocadilly„ ba Juliana, eldest daugh- ter of the late Isaac Cohen, Esq, Of Park LIM°. Ou the 26th, at.St. Georges Church, Hanover Square, Sir Dickson, Bart., of Syde.uhain, Boxburglalure, Captain R.N., to Laurette Emmeline, ouly daughter of Colonel .Northey, of . Llangwathan„-Pembrokeshire, and late Assistaut-Quarler- master-GeneraL On the 26th, at the Abbey.Chureh, Great Malvern, the Rev. Cornelius Hart, In- cumbent of Old St.: Pancras, Middlesex, WI Elizabeth Deborah, the second daughter of tho late Henry. Wyatt, Esq., of Fhru Hill, Stroud.

On the 26th, at Bangor-ys-Coed, G. F. Simes, Esq., of Worcester College, Oxford, son of J. T..13imes, Esq.,. of Brighton, to H. Anne Augusta, eldest daughter of Lieu..

tenant-Colonel Keightley, of Piekhill Hall, Wrexham. . • . •

On the 27th. at St. George's, Hanover Square, Laois' Ann, ;aecond daughter of 'John Bidwell, Esq., of Park Place, Bt. James's Street, to Frederick-Charles Ellis, second son of sir Henry Ellis, Li., Principal ,Librariart of the British Idusettru. On the 27th. at St. John's. Edinburgh, williao),Preyoat, Notain 21st Fusiliers, youngest son of Bear-Admiral Prevost, *Zino .Catheiiiik,,eldeet daughtu Of the We Rev. Edward Dewing,Rector of Rainbani,-Norfolk. •

. . , . . - Clothe 25th May, at Naples, Isabella:, Wife of the Marquis deltiario Sfoi-in, Minis- ter Plenipotentiary of his Sicilian Majesty at Florence, and daughter of the late Ad- . . . niiral Lockhart. • On the 18th June, in the wreck of the Orion, at Portpatrick, Alexander Eq., of Ardlussa, Jura, and his Wife, Anne Elizabeth, fourth daughter.of the late John Carstairs, Esq., of Stratford Green, .Essex, with Cecil Anne and Hester Hary, their eldest and youngest daughters. . •

'On 'the 18th, in the wreck of the Orion; John Pearce, Elul., of Meragisaey, Cornwall.

On the in the wreck of the Orion, Thomas B. Bennett, Esq, of Cheater: On the 20th; at Cheltenlitun, Vice-Admiral Sir Josiah' Coghill Coghill, Bart. On the 20th;at Rock, Northumberland, Charles Bosanquet, 'Esq., Governor of the South Sea Company, and for many years Colonel of the Light Horse Volunteers of Landon Mid Westminster.

On the 20th, at Lee. Devonshire, Richard Preston, Req.,-Q.C.; in his 83d year. On the 22d, at Park Terrace, Ilighbury, 'David M'Laren, Esq., Manager of the South Australian Company; In hid 66th year. On the 22d, in Judd Street, Brunswick Square, Mrs. Mary Bishop ;* her 94th year. On the 23d, at Redland, near Bristol, William Coathupe, Esq,; in his924 year., On the 24th, at Warlies Park, near Waltham'Abbey, Essex, William Banbury, Esti.; in his 64th year.

On the 25th, in Upper Grosvenor Street, the Viscount Cantilupe, 'soh of the Earl and Countess De la Warr.

On the 25th, Caroline, Wife of Sir Sandford Graham, Bart.

On the 26th, at Hastings, Joseph Priestley, only son of Joseph Parkes, Esq., of 'Whitehall Place, Westminster; in his 25th year. . On the 27th, in Sloane Street, the Hon. Esther Charlotte Baird, Widow of the late Major-General ..loseph Baird, and sister of the Bight Hon. the Lord Bishop of Killaloe. .