Tuesday, June 25.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLYED.—Bather and Griffiths, Shrewsbury, builders—Frost and Wright. Portland, surgeons—Leeds Union Company, Leeds, carriers—Liver- pool, Union Company, Liverpool, carriers—Boorman and Anderson, Liverpool, rice- millers—Wilson and Doughton. Ipswich manufacturers of East India oils— Prior and Rick, Malmesbury, millers—Steel and Son, Trinity Street, Rotherhithe, Lightermen—Wilkinson and Co. Liverpool, apothecaries—Sparks and Jackson, Liverpool, ship-store-dealers—Buchanan and Hill, Liverpool—Lambert, Brown, and Co. London. and Lambert, Brown, and Clowns, Dublin, gold-lacemen ; as far as regards H. C. Pigott—Johnson and AlVolstenholme, Wigan, engineers— Ely and Foulger, City Road, Shoreditch, horticultural-builders—Bathe and Breach- Rushforth and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, iron-founders; as far as regards B. Wells— Roberts and Walker, Moorgate Street, tailors—J. and W. Blaker, Brighton, coach- makers—Huskisson and Terrill. Birmingham, earriers—Kingand Parkinson, Barrow- ford, Lancashire, washing-liquor-manufacturers--Attwood 'and Braim, Kiddermin- ster, bootmakers—J. and W. Hayward, Oswestry, attornies—Leighton and Co. Brewer Street, booksellers ; as far as regards J. Leighton sen.—Cochrane and Co, Newcastle-under-Lyme, mercers; as far as regards J. /1`Kee—Quilter and Co. Cole- man Street, accountants; as far as regards G. H. Jay—Ilinchliff and Co. Chelsea, paper-hanging-manufacturers ; as far as regards E. S. Hinchliff. BANKaerrs.—Joirs BA/LVARD, (and not Burnard, as advertised in last Friday's Gazette,) Stanford Rivera, Essex, baker, to surrender June 28, August 1; solici- tor, Rawlings, John Street, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings—ELIZABETH Airrxrost Pwrome, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, sad- dler, July 4, Aug. 8: solicitors, Winter and Co. Bedford Row ; Rooker, Bideford, Devonshire ; official assignee, Cannan, Birehin Lane—Timmas Cmerwoon Joules, Blackfriars Road, linendraper, July 4, Aug. 8: solicitor, Jones, Tooley Street; offi- cial assignee, Cannan, Birchin Lane—SAMUEL TAYLOR, Staines, grocer, July 4, Aug. 12: solicitors, Chilton and Co. Chancery Lane; Horne and Son. Staines; official as- signee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—JAmus NEWLAND BAKER, Alton, auctioneer, July 8, Aug. 13; solicitors, W. and E. Dyne, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane—Jouti RicaLuinsos, Edgevrare Road, ironmonger, July 10, August 13: solicitor, Tattershall, Great James Street, Bedford 'Row; official assig- nee, Groom, Abchurch Laste—CLurtzicr Paurnr, Leicester, grocer, July 12, Aug. 10; solicitor, Gregory, LeiceSter; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham—Jour; Warm, Dudley, innkeeper; July 10, 31: solicitors, Rea, Worcester; Wright, Bir- mingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingiram—WILLIAM TETHER, Birmingham; tallowchandler, July 3, 31 : solicitors, Pemberton, Liverpool; Bloxham, Birming- ham; official assignee, 'Whitmore, Birmingharn—Jomm BARKER, Manchester, victualler, July 11, Aug. I: solicitor, Stringer, Stockport; Official assignee, Hobson, Manchester—Recut Heoims, Portmadoc, shipowner, July 4, Aug. 2: solicitors, Evans and Sons, Lireipool; Jones, Portmadoc ; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool— Joust Hexer, Middleton, silk-manufacturer, July 8, 29: solicitor, Allen, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester. DIVIDF.NDS.—July.15, Golding, Tunbridge Wells, grocer—July 15, Knight, Croy- don, victuallerlilly 15, Hutchinson, Crawford Street, grocer—July 25,'Self, 'Dor- chester,ironmonger —Ju1y25, Sabine, Weymouth, ironmonger—July 24, Wray, Hull, draper—July 18, Dixon, Manchester, ironmonger.
CsarrinCATEi.—To be granted, unless cause be chown to the contrary, on the day of weeting.—July 17, Collingwood, Nuneham Courtney, Oxfordarhire, innkeeper—July 15, Spillei, St. John's Wood Terrace, slater—July 18, Wilson, Wakefield, draper— July 18, Pennock, York, farrier—July 18, Page, Wolverhampton, coal-dealer—July 18, Holland, Coventry, builder. DECLARATIONS or Dn-umms.7-Parker, Sheffield, banker ; final div. of 3s. 6d. making 20s:•in thepound, any day; 1Freeman, Sheffield—Sanderson, Sheffield, iron- merchant; first and final div. of 8d. , June 29, or any subsequent day ; Freeman, Sheffield-- Oddie, Clitheroe, scrivener ; div. of le. 6d. June 27, or any subsequent Thursday; Freeman, Leeds—Hutton, Sheffield, grocer ; first div. of 7s. ild. June 29, or any subsequent Saturday;. Freeman, Sheffield—Richards, Fleet Street, law-book- seller; third div. of 9d. June 26, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Graham, Cole- man Street—Guilleaume, 13erners Street, manufacturer of artificial flowers; first div. of ls. Ild. June 26, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Graham, Coleman Street- Loisel jun. and Edan, Hatton Garden, foreign-provision-merchants ; first div. of qa. 4.1xne 26, and three following Wednesdays; Graham, Coleman Street. -Seurat SittleisraAtIONS.—Ross, Portobello, Edinburgh, innkeeper, June 26, July 24—Hodge, Leith. shipowner, June 28, July 19—None. Inverness, merchant, June 29, July 20—Hewat, Duinfrici, chemist, July 2, 23.
„Friday, June U.
PARTNERSHIpS DissoLvEn.—Smith and Pilgrim, Hinckley, Leicestershire, attornies — Longliottrillf and Son, lieedir,;ScreW and bolt makers; as far as regards W. Long- bottom jubMiBeilirtratiSird-Co. Hull; flartspinners ; is far as regards C. Brown- Easingwood and Co. Hull, coal-merchants—Cooper and Son. Derby, woolstapiers;* as far-as regardirt.Cootrersentrir—Cogan and Leftuick, Cumberland Market—Few and Co. attomies—Lorylin(Itirqt;Emvonpori,"chemists—FlY and Payne, Axbridge, Somersetshire. attornies—,Littlewood and IdOrritt, Leeds, coach-propnetors —Wood- rall'and Co. Warne, grocers—Twyman and Scssel. Ramsgate, hardwaremen—New- bold and Sidwell, Gaeston, Liverpool, omnibus-proprietors—Tooth and Wilmot, Brighton,'. wide-inerchants—Barrett and Ashton, 'Hull, agricultural-implement- makers— llohy, 'Brownlow Street, High Holborn, printers—Kidd and Pilling, Heywood, Lancashire, , cotton-manufacturers—Nicholson and Wilson, Crosthwaite, Cumberland, brick* and tile makers B and S. Daverrey, Colton, Norfolk, farmers—Hollingsworth and Langharn, Liverpool, tobacconists—Lees and. Son, Askton-undenlyne, roller-makers—Hai and Sharpe, Leeds, tobacco-inanu- facturersSmith and' Son, Red Lion Street, pitalfields, potato-salesmen—Blissett and Reynolds, Birmingham, patent-malt-makers—U. D. and I. Falcke, Oxford. Street, importers, BArrairra.--=Josgriz Moriwt, Hanover Street, Islington. victualler, to surrender July 12, Aug: 20: solicitors, Dimmock and Burbey, Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street; Hine and Robinson, Chatterhouse Square ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Cetirt—WittrAM.loarra, Bristol, stationer, July 10, Aug. 7: solicitors, W. and C. Bevan, Bristol; ' official assignee, Millet, Bristol—Groans and Hexer Homers, Derby, ironmongers, July 12. Aug. 2: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham ; official as- signee, Bittleston, Nottrngfunn—Josern 'Brarr, Kidderminster, draper; July 19, Aug. 6: solicitor; Tudor, Kidderminster ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham— Moses WEANOLE, Boston, crthinet-maker, July 12, Aug. 2: solicitors, linklater, Gharlotee ROW, Mansionhouse ; Hodgson, Birmingham; Official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham: Drvreattrna:—Suly 10, Barnard, Portsea, coal-merchant—Snip 22, Jellicoc, Turn- wheel Lane, Doweate Hill, merchant—July 19, Millar, Princes Street, Soitahields, oilman—July 31, Tiegril jun. Bristol, draper—July 19, Woolston, Stamford, brick- maker—Silly 19, Ing,er, Nottingham, • druggist—July 19, Cartwright, Leicester, Aresier -L./illy 25, Stroud, .Spetrisbirry, Dometshire, miller-,July 23, StUbbs. Chappell Allerton, Yorkshire, innkeeper—July 29, Jennings, Horafoeth, Yorkthire, miller—July 19, Gibson; York, victualler—July 19, "Wright, Derby, cheese-factor—July19, Long- bottom and Bentley; Roeldille, wool-merchants.
CuarincArLs.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. —July 22, .Corrick, Bristol, timber-dealer—July 19, Sharman, Ilulme, builder
— July 19,'Welister, Leicester, engineer—July 19, Il.arrunan, Nottingham. draper— July 25, Ethell, Birming,bam,'sarldler—July 25, Mallet, Woolhope, Hereford, bark- merchant—July 23, Mecs, Brier, Bill, Staffordshire, boiler-manufacturer.
-7b be delivered out unless cause be shown to the contrary on,or before the 19th eruly. —Kent, Great Brington. Nortbaroptonshire, timber-merchant. • DECLARATIONS or Drvinimus.,,Prilbrook, Cambridge Place, Hackney Road, gro, eer; first Air, of le. lid. Stay 4, and two following Thursdays.; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Willianis, Sandfivay;NOrthwich. innkeeper ; first div. Of 3s. Suly 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Trirper. Liverpool—HerveY, Brick Lane, Old Street, Iron- founder; third and final div. city. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays;' Groom, Abchurch Lane—Street. Austinfriars, merchant; first div. of l&d. June 29, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sarobrooh Co.nt —Melville, Austinfriars, merchant; first div. of 10d4June '29i and three subsequent qaturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook court—Brattan, Northwich, cabinet-maker ; first div. of 4d. July 10, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool. Scorcu SitoessruArioNs.—Davidson and Co. Galashiels. m anufacturers. July 4, 25—Grant, Landhallow, Latheronwheel, Caithness-shire, merchant, July I, 22—Grant, Rothiemurchies, banker, July 5, 26.