[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin, I have read with great interest, in the Spectator of June 22nd, an article on " Progress among the Negroes." May I be permitted to say that a recent extensive tour through the Southern States has led me rather to sympathise with the hopeful view of General Armstrong, than with the melancholy forebodings expressed towards the close of the article in question ? Those who may desire to study fully the " Negro problem" as it exists in America should not fail to take into account the considerations set forth in that remarkable book, " Our Brother in Bleak." The author, Dr. Atticus G. Haygood, of Decatur, Georgia, exhibits strikingly in his own person that marvellous power of adaptation to fresh circum- stances, and openness to conviction, which so honourably distinguish the Southern whites.
The name of General Armstrong is widely known and respected in America. But not only is an excellent work being done at Hampton under white teachers, but an offshoot from that famous Institute is carrying on a sound, unpre- tending work at Tuskegee in Alabama. Here all the teachers are coloured graduates of Hampton, and the possibility of the successful management of a large institution by Negroes only is exhibited. Similarly, in the. case of the large Training College at Salisbury, in North Carolina, the teachers are all of