As To The Assertion That Ireland Is Suffering Materially And
commercially from the results of the Union, Lord Derby said that it was physically impossible, since, in the first place, Ireland had improved more rapidly in these respects in......
But Then Mr. Morley Went On To Snub The Government
for not promoting a discussion on the subjects on which they are determined not to give way. He took the eccentric line of holding that the Government should authorise its......
The Scotch Universities Bill Is Making Good Progress, And It
is pretty clear that it will pass. The Government have yielded on the point of giving local representation to the Municipalities of St. Andrews and Dundee in the University......
Lord Derby Made An Excellent Speech On Thursday To The
Women's Liberal Unionist Association at the Town Hall, Westminster. He remarked that it was now admitted that whatever was to be done towards the relaxation of the Union with......
The Cronin Case Continues To Excite Strong Interest In...
where apparently the very existence of associations with dangerous secret committees im bedded in them, appears to be matter of surprise. The clergy are, it is stated, begin-......
The Ceremony Of Commemoration Took Place At Orford On...
the interest of the day being centred in the Public Orator's speech, which was more than usually success- ful. Dr. Merry seems to justify his name ; and to succeed in justifying......
The British Proposal To Convert The Privileged Debt Of...
£27,000,000, now bearing interest at 5 per cent., into a 4 per cent. loan-, has been vetoed by M. Spuller, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Rothschilds had assented......
The Portuguese Government Is Presuming, As Usual, Upon...
The contractors for an extension of the rail- way from Delagoa Bay to the Transvaal having, on the plea of physical impossibility, exceeded the time allowed them, the Portuguese......
Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On
Friday 98 to 981.......