The Cronin case continues to excite strong interest in America,
where apparently the very existence of associations with dangerous secret committees im bedded in them, appears to be matter of surprise. The clergy are, it is stated, begin- ning to preach against such societies, and opinion in Chicago is so strongly moved that the grand jury is "probing" the evidence against a whole " camp," or division, of the Clan-na- Gael. The States are scoured for all those believed to be im- plicated, and the inquiry extends to the use made of funds sub- scribed for the Clan, and the truth of Dr. Cronin's charges of embezzlement. At present, however, though many suspected persons have been arrested, no one has been ordered for trial. It is strongly affirmed that had Mr. Blaine been nominated for the Presidency, Mr. A. Sullivan, who was his active sup- porter with Irishmen, would have received a seat in his Cabinet.