[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—While perusing the last paragraph of your very in- structive and—may I say it ?—suggestive article under the above heading in the Spectator of June 22nd, it occurred to me, as it appears to have occurred to yourself at the close, that a great opportnnity of rectifying this defect lies before us in our Board school system. Why not utilise the un- doubted avidity of so many of our youngsters for recitation P Surely we have several suitable ballads—and more could be- written—embodying a portion of our national traditions ; an& these might well be taught to the children, instead of the wishy-washy compositions, full of sickly sentimentalism, now provided for their mental digestion and vocal vomiting. In that case, perhaps, when the present generation grows up,. they may not be in such a profound hurry to remake our history as their democratic fathers appear to be. If your article only arouses greater interest in English history, it will have achieved something indeed.—I am, Sir, &c.,
H. S. B..