[iy , Mr. J. A. Irwin, of New York, who performed
the autopsy on the body of the late Mr. Washington Irving Bishop, sends us a long letter in vindication of his course in performing the autopsy, which it is impossible for us to publish, both because it contains statements which would involve us in a libel action, and because it is much too long. The gist of his letter is that he had the consent in writing of the late Mr. Irving Bishop's manager and friend to his per- forming the autopsy when he did. We ourselves never ventured to pass any opinion on the rightness or wrongness of that course. He denies having said what the telegrams reported that he had said about examining the brain to find an explanation of thought-reading, in which, indeed, he has no belief. He examined it because the disease of which Mr. Irving Bishop died had a great interest for him.—En. Spectator.]