The Girl's Own Outdoor Book, edited by Charles Peters (Religious Tract Society), -is a volume addressed to the useful object of com- bating what the editor rightly calls the "pernicious habit of re- maining too much indoors." It is divided into eighteen chapters, including a preliminary essay on " Girlhood" by Miss Lily Watson. The first of these chapters are "Outdoor Recreations," and here we get instructions about riding, cricketing, lawn-tennis, skating, tricycling (by Dr. Gordon Stables), and various other games and amusements. The paper on cricket is amusing, but not calculated to advance that game among lady-readers. In fact, its moral is, " Don't play cricket !"—and perhaps it is right. Anyhow, a soft ball should be used. Outdoor science of various kinds is discussed, and there are chapters on the very dangerous and expensive amusement of shopping. It is evidently much cheaper and safer to go for a walking tour. Six young ladies went, for the inside of a week, at a total expense of .28 4s. 6d.,—i.e., 4e. 6d. each per diem. They accomplished ninety-six miles in the six days. Alto- gether, this seems likely to be a useful volume. It is amply illustrated.