Mr. Charles Bradlaugh, M.P., has reprinted from the Universal Review,
in a neat and handy volume, a useful paper on The Rules, Customs, and Procedure of the House of Commons. (Swan Sonnen- schein and Co.)—Mr. Bradlaugh, though not possessing any great seniority in the House, has had an experience in the subject of
which he writes of such an extent and such a kind as to make him an authority. It would not be easy to find elsewhere so lucid and minute an exposition of what an " unworn Member " may do. Generally, the volume is worthy of all praise. The writer does not approve of the interminable debates on the Address, and remarks with much force that "the habit of raising minor ques-
tions by Members who have been unlucky in the ballot is one that ought not to be encouraged." He approves of Bills which have passed the second reading being continued on 'to succeeding Sessions of the same Parliament, and does not, we gather, disapprove of the Closure. It is ambiguous to say, "The majority for the Closure must be at least one hundred." •Of course, in the " Standing Orders " the facts are properly stated, for these words mean, as they stand, a majority of a hundred over the noes. A good book, and admirably brief.