29 JUNE 1889, Page 23

Juvenile Literature as It Is. By Edward Salmon. (H. J.

Drane.) —Mr. Salmon has here welded together various articles on the subject published by him in the Fortnightly, Nineteenth Century, &c. Altogether, he gives a satisfactorily complete review of books for boys and girls, and criticises them fairly and judiciously. The first chapter gives the result of that favourite device, a plebiscite. We must confess to a certain distrust of this contrivance, whether used for political or other purposes. Tinder the head of " Favourite Authors," we find 223 votes given to C. Dickens, and one only to the author of " Tom Brown's Schooldays " and Mr. Henty. When we come to favourite books, "Robinson Crusoe " heads the list with 43, though Defoe only receives 24 votes, and "Tom Brown" has 15. There was evidently not a little insincerity about the voting ; and, indeed, Mr. Salmon, in his concluding remarks, recognises as much.