• In the House of Commons on Monday Sir Henry
Campbell- Bannerman submitted his Resolution in regard to the House of Lords. His proposal is to introduce a Bill embodying the following plan. If the two Houses cannot agree about a Bill, a conference is to be held between Members of each, appointed in equal numbers. This " small" conference will negotiate in private, and its object will be to discover a common measure of agreement which the Government may be able to adopt. If the conference is unproductive, either the same Bill, with or without modifications, or a similar Bill, may at the discretion of the Government be reintroduced after a substantial interval, say a minimum of six months, unless in cases of great urgency. This Bill would be passed through the House of Commons under limitations of time and then sent up again to the other House. If there was still a difference between the two Houses, another conference might be summoned. Supposing the attempt at agreement to fail, this second Bill would be reintroduced and passed swiftly through its stages in the form last agreed to, and sent to the other House with an intimation 'that unless passed in that
form it would be passed over their heads. There would then be a third and final conference and a final effort to agree.