Sir James Graham.
[To Tan EDITOR OF pie. " SPEODAT011:9 Sea — A propos of your interesting review of Mn Parker's Life of Sir James Graham in last week's Spectator, the following incident may be......
Orme's History.
fro DEN EDITOR 01 , Tag . 5ntorLTOR.1 Stn,—May I correct the statement contained in yonr article in last week's issue on "The Anniversary of Plessey" that Orme's history has......
Round The World In Forty Days.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF MD “SPRCTATOR: . ] landed at Dover on June 13th, completing the circle of the world in forty days nineteen and a half hours. Had I succeeded in catching the......
Mrs. Julia. Ward Howe.
[TO Ten EDITOR OF Tat " SPROTATOR..) Stn,—The careful Spectator occasionally blunders. In your article on "Songs for Soldiers" (May 25th) is a tribute to "The Battle Hymn of the......
The Bible As Educational Literature.
(TO Toe EDITOR OF TIES "SPECTATOIE.”.1 SIR,—The letter in your issue of May 18th under this title was so interesting that I have been surprised to see no further contributions......