fro DEN EDITOR 01, Tag .5ntorLTOR.1 Stn,—May I correct the statement contained in yonr article in last week's issue on "The Anniversary of Plessey" that Orme's history has never been reprinted P A cheap and excellently printed edition was issued at Madras a few year* ago. I regret I cannot give the exact particulars, as my book* are in India ; but the three volumes have always formed part- of the small library which, as a district officer, I have been able to carry about with me. Apart from its merits as a history and its grace of style, I know no book whioh gives a better idea of the fighting qualities of our race, and of the power to lead of our junior officers, and I trust for their own' sakes that many fresh readers will be attracted to it by your excellent article.—I am, Sir, &c., INDIAN CIVILIAN.
[Another correspondent states that the Madras publieltere were Higginbotham and Co., but places the date of the reprint in the "sixties."—En. Spectator.]