No fewer than tlairty-four honorary degrees were conferred at the
Encaenia at Oxford on Wednesday. The recipients were welcomed by the new Chancellor in Latin, some of his phrases being models of eulogistic allusiveness. Thus the
Prime Minister was greeted as via. jusunde, civitals hodie adininistranda priuceps inturbiele, forum novandaruni et diversaruin partium progredientiunt ardentissiine signifer ; and the Speaker as one cujus mojestati et auctoritati incorruptae libenter cedunt senatores etiant turbidierec Sir Edward Grey's conduct of foreign affairs and his skill as • a fisherman prompted the ingenious gloss qui benevolentiant totius orbia terrarum patieistia props piscatoria isv pogriess teem eigilanter &lids ; 'Mark Twain was hailed as an author qui totilIS orbis terrorism latera native tua hilaritate concutis, Mr. Kipling as auctor nuivendarum lacrimarunt ac risuum potentissime, and General Booth as piebis infiniae patrons misericors, animis repetundis exercitus imperafor as dux. The new Doctors were all greeted cordially, special enthusiasm being excited by General Booth, Mark Twain, and Mr. Kipling.